Graphic design should reflect you brand and communicate your message

Graphic design for digital content

Graphic design visually communicates your brand and message to your audience.

People experiencing your brand for the first time are looking for a connection - they want to know whether your product or service fits with what they are looking for. Within a matter of seconds they will know whether they want to find out more about your company. Therefore, your visual design needs to invoke trust and let them know they can expect to receive a quality product or service.

Good graphic design reflects your brand

It is pleasing to the eye and uses design elements to give clarity to the information being communicated.

For digital mediums, good graphic design will consider the UX or user experience. For example, it can make navigating your website easier by giving visual cues to help the user find information, or lead them to conversion.

Designing unique visual concepts

We start the process by gathering all necessary information about you, your company and your brand. We may need to research your industry, competition and current visual and design trends. We create mood boards, which are like visual brainstorms, putting together images, colours, typography and graphic elements. These inspire us to produce a unique concept of how to visually communicate your brand through a logo, website layout, brochures and more.

Together we decide on final designs that work together as a visual experience of your brand.

Buzz can help with print and digital graphic design work


Leave us to manage all print handling and setup. We have a recommended printer we work with, or can liaise with your own printer.

  • Logo design

  • Letterhead

  • Business cards

  • DL flyers

  • Brochures

  • Posters

  • Appraisal booklet design

  • Pull up banners

  • Retail signage


  • Logo design

  • Email signature

  • Website layout

  • Style guide

  • E-news design including banners & newsletter layout

  • Presentations

  • Facebook including cover design & Facebook Ad design

  • Animations

Need a new logo or are you ready for a refresh?

A designer who understands your customers, and the problems you solve for them, can offer relevant options, a neutral perspective and a balanced concept.

Logos should be fluid. This means they are able to be adapted to every marketing, advertising and promotional situation, anywhere you want your logo featured. Don't be stuck in a single version, some brand guidelines are too restrictive and this causes them to become outdated. Be flexible!

Never copy another company's logo, be unique!

  • A sense of humour can be highly appreciated and memorable, but you need to know where to draw the line.

  • Consider the meaning of your design elements and let it reflect your company values.

  • The font is important! Some are too basic and unmemorable, while other can be too fussy and difficult to read.

  • Too many fonts can look disorganised and distracting.

  • Future-proof design options with the right depth of colour and colour combinations. Choose colours your target audience will relate to.

  • Ask questions and take into consideration the advice of professionals.

  • Always proof read logos and tag lines.

  • A poor quality, pixelated image in your logo implies poor quality products or services.

  • An upgraded or refreshed logo should be similar, and connected to the existing logo.

In our experience, asking your friends and family for their opinion can backfire, as they may find it difficult to be impartial, and don't want to hurt your feelings. It's preferable to get opinions and reactions from a sample of people in your target market.

Contact Buzz Marketing for all your graphic design needs