Email Automation

Effortless engagement with email automation

Use email automation to engage your leads, build relationships and convert more sales

So you’ve put in the work to attract people to your website and added lead generation opportunities to collect contact details. What do you do now? Using email automation, we can set up campaigns to nurture and engage your leads, build relationships and brand awareness, and increase your sales conversions.

Email automation saves time and money

Make your sales funnel more efficient

Auto email campaigns free up your time so you can focus on quality leads. By tracking open rates, click-through rates and actions customers take on your website, you can determine who are the most interested and engaged leads.

We can send different campaigns to different audiences. You can segment your customers into groups to make your campaign more targeted. For example, you could divide your contacts into:

  • retail and wholesale

  • the products or services they purchase or express interest in

  • geographical location

So how does it work?

Auto emails take no more time to create than a regular email campaign, but have the added benefit of sending in response to a customer's action, an event or a date. For example, automations can be sent when someone:

  • is added to your database

  • fills in a form on your website

  • downloads content on your website

  • clicks on a link in an email

  • makes a purchase

  • abandons their shopping cart

  • hasn’t made a recent purchase

  • is due for an appointment

  • registers for an event

  • gives you a referral

  • has a birthday

In fact, the possibilities are endless!

How often do you email your database? For many businesses, the answer is probably not often enough. By setting up an email automation campaign, you can spend your time and marketing dollars in a more targeted and effective way. Once a campaign is set up, your leads are contacted automatically - it’s efficient and simple!

Buzz Marketing can help you find opportunities to save time, nurture sales leads and create more engaged customers

We’ll work with you to determine which content you already have can be used in your auto-email campaigns, and can create new content that can be used for both your website and the campaigns.

Let's come up with a plan!