Facebook Business Manager

A Step-by-Step Guide

A Facebook/Meta Business Account helps you manage your online presence for your business. Here's a step-by-step guide to set up your ad account:

1. Head to the Starting Point:

  • Open a web browser and visit [business.facebook.com]. This is the official website for Meta Business Manager.

2. Create Your Account:

  • On the landing page, you'll see a "Create Account" button. Click on it.

3. Enter Your Business Details:

  • A form will appear. Here, you'll need to enter your business name.

  • Fill in your full name next.

  • Provide a valid business email address. This will be used for communication and verification.

  • Once everything is filled, click "Submit" to continue.

4. Confirm Your Email:

  • Check your inbox for a confirmation email from Meta.

  • Open the email and click the "Confirm Now" button to verify your account.

5. You're In! (Almost):

  • Once confirmed, you might be directed to a setup page. This is optional, but you can explore adding your business details here.

Congrats! You've created a basic Meta Business Account.

Bonus Step: Adding a Facebook Page:

  • To manage your Facebook presence through your Business Account, you'll need a Facebook Page for your business.

  • If you don't have one already, you can create a new Page within the Business Manager settings.

Additional Tips:

  • Use a professional email address for your business account.

  • Keep your business name and details accurate throughout the process.

  • Explore the Business Manager settings to familiarize yourself with the features.

By following these steps, you'll have a Facebook/Meta Business Account set up and ready to manage your online business presence!

woman in white shirt using smartphone