Why you should be building a personal brand
The power of building a personal brand
Branding helps you stand out
While a brand strategy is expected for businesses, it’s just as important to build a strong personal brand. Your brand is your reputation to:
establish yourself as an expert in your field
build credibility
show what you stand for
demonstrate the experience people have when they interact with you
Tips for creating your personal brand
Be yourself
People want to connect with someone genuine so your brand needs to be an authentic reflection of who you are. Start by identifying what you believe, what you stand for, your areas of expertise and your strengths and weaknesses. These are the things that will define your personal brand.
Build genuine relationships
Focus on strengthening relationships rather than collecting likes and followers. Build a community of customers, colleagues, suppliers, mentors and influencers, and understand what their needs, dreams, goals and ambitions are, rather than telling them about yours. When you help people achieve their goals, they’ll recommend you to others.
Don’t be tempted to artificially boost your audience by buying a database or followers. This will give you a large but unengaged audience and undermines your credibility. Make real connections by joining networking groups, and finding your audience both online and offline, then engaging with them.
If you want to create professional opportunities with a strong personal brand, make sure to contact us.
Demonstrate your expertise
Don’t tell people how amazing you are, show them! Be generous with your hard-won expertise in person and social media; it creates trust and makes you memorable.
Make sure to ask for reviews from your best customers. People are much more likely to believe a satisfied customer than anything you say about yourself.
Stand out from the crowd to attract more customers
Showcase your knowledge and experience to create new fans for your business, and build trust and loyalty with existing clients so they recommend you to others. Create a following for your business on social media, instore and online.
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